Access management for the people using your AWS console.

Best Practices

EC2 Instances, EBS (Block Storage), ELB (Load Balancing), and Auto-Scaling Groups (ASG)

EC2 instances are servers that you can use to perform computations for you. EBS is the storage that the servers use and these can be duplicated and moved from one EC2 instance to another to replicate functionality. Load balancing and auto-scaling groups help with high-availability and scaling by balancing the load across multiple EC2 instances and creating more instances when there is higher demand for your application.

EC2 Instances

EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)

ASG (Auto-Scaling Groups)


Storing data on AWS and allowing people to access it.

Versioning and Static Webpages


Storage Classes

Snow Family

Storage Gateway

Databases on AWS

Instead of hosting your own databases on EC2 instances, you can instead use the AWS service for databases so that AWS manages the databases and you can just deal with the data part.


DynamoDB (serverless)

Redshift Columnar, tableau, BI tools
EMR hadoop, bigdata
Athena Scanning S3 objects, used for Logs
QuickSight Dashboards on your databases
DocumentDB Aurora but for mongodb
Neptune Graphdb, facebook, social network
Timestream For timeseries data, data that evolves over time
QLDB ledger of financial transactions
Managed blockchain compatible with ethereum
Glue ETL service, when you need to prepare and transform your data, Glue DATA CATALOG
DMS migration

Other Services: ECS, Lambda, Batch, Lightsail

Other services that are on AWS.

What is docker?



API Gateway Ways to create a serverless API that can use lambda to run requests to dynamo
Batch can run batch jobs, scales EC2 instances as needed (a batch job is a job that has a specific start and end and isnt always running)
Lightsail Standalone service, baby version of everything in AWS if you dont care about understanding how AWS works

Deploying and Managing Infrastructure

Basically use code to quickly deploy and configure everything that we learned earlier dis shit so crayz.

Cloud Formation

Application Composer


Committing, deploying and stuff

Systems Manager (SSM)

Global Applications

Things that allow applications to be better available around the world.

Route 53 (managed dns)


S3 transfer acceleration use edge locations to transfer items to buckets between regions
AWS Global Accelerator routes traffic to the nearest edge location and use the private AWS network to connect
AWS Outposts AWS branded on premise servers
AWS Wavelegnth deploy things on 5G

Cloud Integrations

How can different applications talk to each other?



Monitoring things on the cloud.


VPC and Networking

Insert some information about the general topic description.


NACL vs Security Groups

VPC Flow Logs

VPC Peering

VPC Endpoints

VPC PrivateLink

How can you connect from your on-premise data center to your VPC?